Event Security Fundamentals: Creating And Implementing A Security Plan

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Whether you're planning a large corporate event or even something for personal purposes, security is an important consideration. When it comes to establishing solid event security, you need to take adequate time to plan. Here's a look at some of the things that you should consider as you plan your approach to security for your upcoming event.

Do A Full Risk Assessment

You can't adequately secure any event if you don't understand what kinds of threats you may face or what vulnerabilities exist. That's why your event security plan should always start with a full risk assessment.

Consider all of the potential threats to your event, including natural disasters, environmental threats, potential accidents, and any possible acts of sabotage or violence. Once you've thoroughly evaluated the potential threats that your event might reasonably encounter, you can start creating a plan to protect against them and respond to them.

The other key part of your risk assessment is the vulnerabilities. Knowing what kinds of threats you may face is important, but identifying the aspects of your event that make it vulnerable is vital as well. Consider, for example, how many possible entrances you need to secure or surveil as well as any potential risks associated with your concession carts and other aspects.

Create An Action Plan

Once you have finished your risk assessment, the next step toward securing your event is to draft an action plan. Your action plan should include details about how each of the potential vulnerabilities will be monitored as well as how any possible threats will be mitigated or responded to.

Include information about the security staff you will need, including how many people of each skill level you will need. The more detailed your plan, the more comprehensive your event security will be.

Request Advanced Training

Before your event, have your event security staff arrive several hours early so that you can conduct a thorough training program with them. This training program should address everything from your threat assessment to your action plan, allowing you to observe each person in action and ensuring that each person understands and can perform their role for your security plan. 

Preparation is essential for ensuring that your event is a safe and enjoyable one. Use these tips and the help of a local event security company, like Protection Plus, to create a plan that is customized to your specific event so you can have the confidence you want for your guests.

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